Stressed Out - What’s That All About

By: Future Cain

Stress is something all of us will experience in our lifetime and the last two years have been some of the most stressful times I can personally remember. Reports from several outlets have said that The World Health Organization (WHO) classified stress as the health epidemic of the 21st century. Stress should not be a societal norm, and since it is we need to be proactive and preventative for society’s collective wellness.

April is Stress Awareness Month, and there isn’t a better time to ring the alarm on the plethora of health problems associated with stress. Included in impacts of stressors are high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, digestive problems, increased risk of heart disease, weight gain, certain kinds of cancer, depression, and accelerated aging. If you believe you are alone in being stressed out please know many Americans mention that stress has a negative impact on their personal life. Seventy-seven percent of Americans have said that stress negatively affects their physical health according to the American Institute of Stress and the Global Organization for Stress reports that 80% of employees feel stressed at their jobs, and half of them need support with managing the stress they experience. 

What society needs now is love, sweet love, happiness, joy. Less worry and stress can have a huge impact on your wellness. Yes, I realize you are probably chuckling right now saying, “she dares to talk about worrying less and being happy more when we are living through our second year of a pandemic and racial unrest.” If I could I would wave a magic wand to rid the world of racism and the pandemic and since I don’t have these superhero powers yet I will offer you a few ideas on how to keep your stress in check.

  • Scientifically one of the best treatments for stress reduction is regular exercise. A few ideas, go for a walk, take a bike ride, or take a yoga class. Any physical activity regularly will help you sleep better and have a better mood.

  • Caring Connections are Critical during times of stress since it's commonplace to feel like the world is against you when you are stressed out. Sharing space with people who see, hear, value, and love you is essential to a prolonged life, less stressful life.

  • Be the author of your own story. The first step in decreasing stress levels is to be aware of what breeds stress. Notice your thoughts, and feelings, and name them. Sit with yourself to gain an understanding of the faces and spaces that don’t give you the warm fuzzies. Your awareness of your red flags will cause you to act so you can protect your peace and peace of mind. 

These changing times call humanity to find who we truly are. We each owe it to ourselves to be aware of what is stressing us out and to dedicate our time to fostering healthy environments for ourselves in our personal and professional lives. 

Future Cain is the Founder and CEO of Future of SEL and currently is the Statewide Project Coordinator for Social and Emotional Learning and Mental Health. As an equitable social and emotional leader expert, she works with institutions, organizations, and individuals to enhance the culture, health, and well-being of others. This ambassador for humanity helps individuals see how they can positively impact the world by starting with their own self-awareness. 

With over two decades of experience in education and leadership, her career expands across several industries including the private behavioral sector, early childhood through higher education, and small businesses and large corporations. She sits on the executive board for Rotary’s World Seminar for high school students, is a mom to two who reside in Wisconsin, and is a certified yoga instructor who is passionate about the mental health and well-being of all children and adults. 

Future’s been featured in the New York Times and Forbes for her equity work and has published pieces on K-12 Talk and The Boulevard. This CEO has been honored as Rotarian of the Year and is an international speaker.

You can connect with Future on social media here: Inclusion®LinkedIn and Instagram

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